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  1. Bokil, S. A., and Rai, R. K., "Advanced treatments for sustainable textile waste water management: kinetic studies Indian Water Works Association" Kolkata Centre, 47th Annual Convention on Sustainable Technology Solutions for Water Management, 2015.

  2. Bokil, S. A., and Rai, R. K.,"Application of adsorption as an treatment for the textile industry effluent by using non conventional adsorbent,” International Conference on, Advances in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Systems, Government College of Engineering, Amravati, ACMES-2014.

  3. Bokil, S. A., Rai, R. K., and Kaul, S. N.,"Innovative techniques for recycle and reuse of textile wastewater by agriculture wastes as low cost adsorbent" ASCE, International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure, (ICSCI 2014), IIT Hyderabad.

  4. Bokil, S. A., and Rai, R. K.,"Low cost adsorbents for the removal of dyes from industrial wastewaters" National Conference on, Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering, Goverment College of Engineering, Karad, NCACSE-14, 2014.

  5. Bokil, S. A., Rai, R. K., and Kaul, S. N.,"Application of agriculture waste as low cost adsorbent for the recycle and reuse of textile waste waters" AICTE, National Seminar on, Recent practices and applications in Civil Engineering, Walcand College of Engg, June 2013.

  6. Bokil, S. A., Rai, R. K., and Kaul, S. N.,"Innovative methods of recycling textile waste waters by low cost adsorbents" International Summit on, Waste Water Technology for Green Economy, May 2013.

  7. Bokil, S. A., Rai, R. K., and Kaul, S. N.,"Recycle of textile waste waters by low cost adsorbents: adsorption equilibrium" National Conference on, Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Developments, Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, 2012.

Publication In Journals
  1. Application of a Mathematical Modelling Tool for the Evaluation of Hydrological Parameters using Conventional Survey and Drone Survey (IJTIMES) Impact Factor: 5.22 (SJIF-2017), e-ISSN: 2455-2585 Volume 5, Issue 04, April-2019

  2. Applications of nanotechnology in transportation infrastructures JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3, (ISSN-2349-5162)

  3. Innovations in Transforming a TraditionalBuilding into Green Building IFERP, Feb,2018,ISSN (Online) 2456-1290

  4. Life Cycle Cost Analysis- A Decision MakingTool for Implementation of Green InfrastructureProjects IFERP, Feb,2018,ISSN (Online) 2456-1290

  5. Removal of dyes from textile effluent using bamboo waste as low cost adsorbent Journal of Public Health Engineering, July 2016,Vol.XXXXIV, No. 2, pp. 25-31

  6. Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from bamboo by chemical activation Journal of Catalyst Catalysis, 2016, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-6

  7. Application of Porous Concrete for Tunnel Lining (IFERP) Feb,2017,ISSN 2456-1290 (Special Issue)

  8. Innovative Technologies of Non-recyclable waste as replacement in transportation engineering IJESIRD : Vol. III, Issue X, April 2017,ISSN: 2349-6185

  9. Optimization of a Smart Road Junction International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical an Civil Engineering (IJERMCE) (Special Issue)

  10. An Innovative Approach of using Geo polymer based Fiber Reinforced Concrete International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol.6, Issue 7, July 2017. (ISSN-2347-6710)

  11. Innovations in Transforming a Traditional Building into Green Building IJERMCE,Feb,2018,ISSN 2456-1290

Publication International and National Conferences

Arise, awake and do not stop until the goal is reached.


- Swami Vivekananda


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